
Building amazing things, just because I can.

SAM EV 2 Bootlog

Hallo Freunde der Sonne, Hier poste ich mal mein CAN Bootlog. SAM mit dem CAN BUS Adapter angebunden. Schlüssel gesteckt Auf Position 2 gedreht dann auf POS 3 ( SKAI Enable ) Dann aus und schlüssel gezogen. Ich Kopier den Text rein und adde ihn als Download. Viel Spass 🙂 New standard frame from 0x00000080,…
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E-M-S Software steps

Now I have finished the first Software stage to see if all components work as intendet. And indeed they work just fine.

E-M-S Assembly

Assembly of development boards are finished now. All work as expected. Now the Software part is comming.

PCBs arrived E-M-S

The PCBs arrived and are looking marvelous. The PCBs are exactly as expected and work fine. Now we go to assembly.

E-M-S System

I finished the Design of the new E-M-S System. E-M-S means Electro Muscle Stimulation. Basically the device controls Your muscles and is used for Pain relieve and Trainig purpose. This project is part of an ongoing engagement and goes into prduction.

E-M-S Prototyping

I got the oportunity to design a new Version of the E-M-S System. So we do a Prototype. 🙂 Its funny and looks messy but it works.